Bedroom Tour

_DSC1178A couple of weeks back I posted photos of our kitchen and of our living room. So today, I thought it would be fun to share snapshots of our bedroom. And let me start by saying, poor Dave, because as you will see, it’s a very feminine space. It’s mostly white but there are a few pops of pink and gold in there, too. He doesn’t seem to mind though! What I love about our bedroom is that it faces west. And when the sun sets in the evenings, the sun rays beam right through our windows creating this warm, soft, golden glow in the room. It just feels so nice and cozy and fresh. Most of the larger furniture in our bedroom is from Ikea, like the Kallax shelving unit, the desk, and our bed. Goodness, what would we do without Ikea? The knick-knacks and decorative items around the room; like the picture frames, pillows, and storage containers, are mostly all from T.J. Maxx and Homegoods. That’s where I can be found doing the majority of our home shopping. Also, you’ll have to ignore the excessive amount of photos of Dave and I around the room. It looks like our bedroom is a shrine dedicated to ourselves. Ha! The truth is because we both were doing long distance on and off, we separately had own fair share of photos of us. Now that we’ve moved in together and merged all our things, we have a crazy amount of photos of us laying around. It’s sweet and I love being reminded of all our past special moments, but yeah, sometimes I think it might be a little too much? What do you guys think? Did this happen to anyone else after moving in together? Regardless, one of the photos that I love the most is us on our wedding day. It sits in a frame on Dave’s bedside table and it was given to us by a family friend. The frame reads 1 Corinthians 13:4–12, the same verses that my grandmother read to us at our wedding. It’s a nice touch for our bedroom, I think! DSC1122_DSC1134_DSC1165DSC1074_DSC1080DSC1147DSC1108DSC1156DSC1103DSC1169DSC1116_DSC1128

5 Comments on Bedroom Tour

  1. Léa
    March 24, 2015 at 7:20 pm (10 years ago)

    love it, and maryann will be in heaven when she sees that frame on the side of your bed and so am I! :-)

    • maryann starace
      March 24, 2015 at 9:16 pm (10 years ago)

      Really great house love the frame but Leah you get all the praise great photos; you should go into decorating! Nice! we miss you guys hope you visit New Canaan and come to New England Fellowship.

  2. Melanie
    March 25, 2015 at 3:03 pm (10 years ago)

    Your bedroom looks incredible! I love all of white and gold!
    Melanie @

  3. Solya
    April 5, 2015 at 6:21 am (10 years ago)

    Your bedroom looks perfect! All decorations are so cute^^


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