Detroit Eastern Market

_DSC2461 2I thought I’d share these pictures from earlier in the summer, when my friends and I took a trip downtown to the Detroit Eastern Market. It’s a Saturday market with open-air stalls filled with lots of people and sweet smells of funnel cakes and strawberries. There were rainbow colored roses and fresh veggies and herbs, quirky homemade jams (like spicy-pepper peach) and syrups of all sorts. My New York pizza cravings kicked-in around the late afternoon when we stopped for some slices at Supino Pizzeria. It was good stuff, but man do I miss my New York pizza. And of course, we didn’t leave without dessert. Like little kids lined up at an ice cream truck, we perched outside a large white food truck and ordered ourselves some sweets. Beignets drizzled in chocolate with a very generous amount of powdered sugar piled on top. All I can say is, we left the market finger licking with sticky faces and bellies full. _DSC2477 2_DSC2463 2_DSC2467 2_DSC2455 2_DSC2480 2_DSC2476 2_DSC2466 2_DSC2472 2_DSC2475 2_DSC2464 2

6 Comments on Detroit Eastern Market

    • everygoodthing
      September 26, 2014 at 9:02 pm (11 years ago)

      Thanks Courtney!

  1. AwesomelyOZ
    September 16, 2014 at 8:15 pm (11 years ago)

    Ugh I’m jelly over the Beignets! They’re my favorite and so delicious!!! You’re right though no pizza is as good as NYC pizza.. None! Have a great one Melissa! -Iva

    • everygoodthing
      September 26, 2014 at 9:09 pm (11 years ago)

      Thanks girl!

  2. everygoodthing
    September 26, 2014 at 9:09 pm (11 years ago)

    Ah me too! Thanks Meghan!


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