Free Desktop Wallpaper

b716539176815_a53bebdd9a_o Katelyn-Wood_All-Website-Image_600x600dyt-template-computer-luci-313987216235_8078098b5c_bfloralsThis week has been the first week where it actually feels like spring is on it’s way. Thank goodness! Being able to see the grass on the ground and not just seeing mounds and mounds of snow is exciting people!! I love spring because it feels fresh and new and it’s often welcomed with bright colors or pastels, sunshine and a good spring cleaning. And when it comes to spring cleaning, I know we think of our apartment floors and our dirty windows, but really, my poor little laptop could use a little spring cleaning love, too. Does anyone else’s desktop look like a war zone right now? Because I’ll be the first to raise my hand and say mine does! So in effort to give my desktop a good clean by filing things away, I thought it would be fun to change my desktop wallpaper to something lovely and springy. Hopefully, this gives me an incentive to not be so lazy and to file my documents right away, in order to see my beautiful new wallpaper!

Here’s some free desktop wallpapers and phone wallpapers from around the web for you to enjoy. I especially love all the ones from Design Love Fest. There are pages upon pages of ones to choose from, so go on and have a look!

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1 Comment on Free Desktop Wallpaper

  1. Melanie
    March 15, 2015 at 4:38 pm (10 years ago)

    I love these wallpaper options! Thanks for sharing!
    Melanie @


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