Our Weekly Grocery List

Our Weekly Grocery List

As I’ve mentioned before, Dave and I do most of our grocery shopping at Trader Joe’s. We’re obsessed with that place. Mostly because it’s not too big and overwhelming and we know what to expect when shopping there. And for being a newlywed couple, I think we’ve got our grocery shopping down to an art. Here’s our tip for making your trip to the grocery store both fast and affordable – ready?

We get the same staple foods each week.

Sounds boring, huh? But really, I promise. It’s not! We cook up different meals with those key ingredients (so we don’t get sick of them!) and it just makes life a lot easier. For example, we’ll use half the asparagus one night as a side veg for our salmon and the next night, we’ll use the rest to chop up and toss into our spinach salad. I find it so much better to stick to these main ingredients and to just get creative in the kitchen. It makes cooking much more fun and it makes our trip to the grocery store that much better. We don’t have to stand around aisle 2 wondering what to get and what to make. We know our staple ingredients and we have our various recipes to go along with them. What about you, do you have a grocery list that you stick to every week? What works for you?

P.S. – A cute and FREE grocery list download. 

2 Comments on Our Weekly Grocery List

  1. Laura Schier
    August 11, 2015 at 10:31 pm (10 years ago)

    love this! My family and I usually stick to the same grocery list each week, with some different new things each time :)

    • everygoodthing
      August 20, 2015 at 12:21 pm (10 years ago)

      That’s a good way to go! The sneaky new items sometimes appear in our cart every now and again too. Thanks Laura!


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