San Gimignano is this charming medieval town that sits on top of a hill outside of Siena, Tuscany. From our agriturismo stay at Fatoria Pogni, we took a day trip into San Gimignano. Most of the Italian guide books that I read (I’m looking at you, Rick Steves!) suggested going to San Gimignano really early in the morning or late in the evening. During the mid-day it gets extremely hot and it can get filled with tourists. We decided to go early in the morning and it was a great choice because the town was still quiet and it felt like it was just beginning to wake up (think, opening song of Beauty and the Best but the Italian version). San Gimignano is really just this perfect little walking town with big walls and towers all made of brick and stone. From up there, there are some the most spectacular views in Tuscany!
San Gimignano has all these local shops specializing in cheeses and meats, pastries and breads, vernaccia wine… Pretty much an endless list of delicious goodies that I wanted to take home with me.
One of the coolest things about San Gimignano is that it’s home to Gelateria Dondoli, which is a world famous gelateria. They actually were named the Gelato World Champions in 2006/2007 and 2008/2009. Now someone, please tell me how I get to be a judge on that panel! #WorldsBestJob?
One of the things I always try to remind myself when traveling, is to look up. We’re always so focused on what’s at our eye level or what that wacky tourist is wearing, that we sometimes forget to look up. When I do, I always am amazed by what I see!
This painter was sat in a park at the very top of the town. He was sitting in his chair in the shade and both Dave and I stopped to look at some of his artwork. We fell in love with one of the paintings he had (it was actually one his wife painted) and we ended up taking it home. It’s now framed sitting in our living room. We still need to figure out where we’re hanging it, but I love that we have it here with us. It’s a happy memory and it reminds me of our gorgeous day spent there.
August 25, 2015 at 11:46 am (10 years ago)Just lovely! I want to go there!!
August 26, 2015 at 4:45 pm (10 years ago)Oh, how beautiful! I am constantly enamored by Italy, and I love collecting more and more places to visit my next time there. Thanks so much for sharing your experience and your lovely photos!
Sweet Spontaneity
April 23, 2017 at 3:31 pm (8 years ago)San Gimignano – such a magical city. There’s a small family owned winery outside the walls there – Podere la Marronaia that does a wonderful tasting/food pairing luncheon. Breathtaking views and warm, funny, lovely people.
April 23, 2017 at 6:53 pm (8 years ago)Oh wow! I wish I would’ve known about Podere la Marronaia when we were there. It sounds amazing! We will have to go back and when we do, I will definitely make sure to visit that place!