The Best Plants For Your Home

_DSC1709I’m thinking about getting a new addition to our home. And no, it’s not a puppy, just yet. It’s a plant. I’ve been wanting a big potted plant to put in the corner of our living room. I think an extra bit of green life around here could do us both some good. Plus, I think having a plant would make me feel so grown up.

I’m always looking at home decor on Pinterest and I’ve noticed how I’m drawn to all the rooms that have plants in them. I just love how a little green foliage can light up any room. I love how they come in all different shapes and sizes. I love that they last a long time and that the maintenance is fairly minimal. Have I convinced you too, to get a plant? Anyways, I’ve been doing some research and here are some of the best houseplants for your home.

P.s. – Do you have any plants in your home now? If you do, which ones? I’d love to know!Plants for the home

1.) Snake Plant – This plant is very low maintenance and carries it’s own tall and structured shape.

2.) Succulents –  This is another great plant to have around the house because it won’t die if you forget to water it. All it needs is a sunny place to live and a sprinkle of water every now and again.

3.) Spider Plant – Growing up I always remember seeing a few spider plants around my grandparents apartment. I love this plant’s creamy striped foliage and how the leaves naturally cascade downwards.

4.) Dracaena Tree – This plant gives off major jungle vibes. It has an upright stem and it would definitely add some personality to any room or office space.

5.) Jade Plant – A slow grower and not much of a drinker, this is another low maintenance plant. It’s leaves are soft and thick and it grows best in normal room temperatures.

6.) Zee Zee Plant – This plant would look perfect in any modern or traditional home. It is very easy to care for and it can handle a reasonable amount of neglect.

7.) Chinese Evergreen – A great plant to showcase because it’s leaves have various shades of silver, grey, and green. It also helps filter out any air pollutants in your house, win win!

4 Comments on The Best Plants For Your Home

  1. Solya
    February 19, 2015 at 11:49 am (10 years ago)

    I absolutely love all of these plants! I have only African Violet and going to have more plants very soon:)

  2. Melanie
    February 19, 2015 at 7:21 pm (10 years ago)

    I’m a big fan of having succulents. They are the best, I just don’t do anything and they normally live lol
    Melanie @

  3. Alex
    February 20, 2015 at 3:20 am (10 years ago)

    I’ve been slowly adding plants to our home over the past few months and it makes such a difference. My grandma gave me the most amazing big plant (I don’t remember what type it is) and it sits on a table on my bedroom now. It really gives the place a little something extra.

    Alex | Blog | Art Blog


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